Balmoral Drive, Manchester, Lancashire, M34 2JX

0161 336 3409

Denton West End Primary School

Only our best is good enough



Welcome to Nursery

Meet the Nursery staff

Mrs Abbott

Miss Haughton Mrs Osbourne Mrs Binyon


EYFS Leader of Learning

Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant
This week, nursery have enjoyed taking part in their first sports day. All the children took part in the obstacle race, hobby horse race, egg and spoon race and the beanbag race. The most popular game was the javelin throwing game and the getting Mrs Abbott wet game. Well done everyone!
This week, nursery have enjoyed taking part in their first sports day. All the children took part in the obstacle race, hobby horse race, egg and spoon race and the beanbag race. The most popular game was the javelin throwing game and the getting Mrs Abbott wet game. Well done everyone!

May 2024

The children in Nursery have been learning about Growth this term. They have been in the garden planting carrot seeds and sunflower seeds. Each group is going to have a competition against each other, to see whose sunflower will grow the tallest. The children have the responsibility to look after their plant and make sure that it gets plenty of sunshine and water.

April 2024

Easter activities in Nursery.

April 2024

During the Spring term, Nursery had some very special visitors to look after and care for. The children learnt first hand about the life cycle of a hen. All the children were so excited to see the chicks hatch and watch them change and grow. The children particularly enjoyed holding the chicks and allowing them to walk around the carpet. 

March 2024

World Book Day in nursery was a day full of books, helicopter stories, picture graphs and dressing up.

February 2024

This term, the nursery children have been reading the story, 'The Little Red Hen'. They have enjoyed listening to the story and joining in with the repeated parts. The story is about making bread, so the children made their own bread rolls using flour, water and yeast. They had lots of fun measuring out the flour, kneading the dough and rolling the mixture into small balls. Our dough disco work really helped us to use our muscles. 

Friday 23rd February

The children in the nursery enjoyed dressing up as their favourite fairy tale character for 'National Tell a Fairy Tale Day 2024'. The day was very full of excitement as the children made magic wands, shared their familiar books with their friends and re-told stories through small world resources.  "I wish we could dress up everyday" was one comment.

Reading is very important for young children and to bring characters to life helps them to understand the story and what part their character plays. Thank you to all the parents for helping your child to be a part of such a very special day!

February 2024

This term, the children have enjoyed reading lots of wonderful traditional tales. The Three Billy Goats Gruff was very popular. The children used wooden blocks, Duplo and Lego to make a bridge for the goats to walk across. They enjoyed using the small world puppets to recreate the part when the  goats go trip trapping over the bridge. A lot of problem solving was used by the children and they had to think carefully about what 3D shapes to use and why.

Tuesday 16th January 2024

The nursery children enjoyed exploring the new fallen snow on the school field today. They noticed that their welly boots made patterns in the snow and that their were animal tracks marks already in the snow. Some children made snow angels and others helped to make a snow girl.  After lunch, the children went in to the nursery garden and used the buckets and spades to make snow castles. It was a great day full of excitement and new experiences. 

December 2023

This week, the nursery children walked to the local post box to post their very special letters to Father Christmas. All the children had drawn a picture of what they would like for Christmas and some children even tried very hard to write their own name. I think Father Christmas will be very impressed with their letter formation! Before the children left the Nursery, they learnt about envelopes and stamps and what the postal service does. 

An important lesson to learn was how to cross the road safely and how to keep safe.

All the children were very sensible and remembered the road safety rules. As a special treat, the Nursery Christmas elf brought toast and hot chocolate for the children at snack time.

Friday 17th November 2023

Maths week has been lots of fun in nursery this year. The children have taken part in lots of different number activities, inside and outside the classroom. All the children enjoyed dressing up for our Numberblocks day and going on a number hunt in the garden. 

Friday 10th November 2023

The nursery children have been thinking about Remembrance Day. They learnt about why people wear poppies. The children explored different textures and materials to make their own poppy picture.

Wednesday 8th November 2023

This week, the children have been very excited to talk about their bonfire night experiences. Some children went to organised displays and others watched fireworks in the sky through their bedroom window. The children used the school iPads to create firework pictures. All the children were very good at changing the colour of the brush and dragging their finger across the screen. Paint was also used to create firework pictures in the craft area. During their maths session, the children used their 2D shape knowledge to make their own rockets. 

Friday 20th October 2023

This week, the children have taken part in their first baking session. They made carrot cupcakes. A group of children went into the nursery garden and pulled out the carrots that the reception children planted last year. The nursery developed their skills in mixing, pouring, whisking, cracking eggs and measuring out ingredients. 

I think we have a few 'bake off' contestants in the making!  Hope you enjoy eating them Nursery!

Friday 20th October 2023

What a busy term we have all had. I am so very proud of all the nursery children for settling in so well to their new nursery. We have learnt so much in such a short amount of time. 

Autumn has been a large part of our seasonal learning and the children have enjoyed going on Autumn walks with their family and talking about what they had found. The children also put on the wellies and had an Autumn walk around the school field making their own leaf kebabs. 

15th September 2023

A very big welcome to all the nursery families this week. We have completed our very first week together and I am so pleased  on how you have all played so well with the resources and have started to make new friends. I have attached a few photos of you learning in the different areas.