Foreign Languages
Language Leaders
We are very pleased to introduce our new Language Leaders. Their role in school will be to help in promoting the use of the Spanish language, share the Phrase of the Month with their classes and to support others with their language learning.
They are doing a great job so far and working on creating a Spanish mascot to use during lessons!
Spanish Day
Starting this year, children in KS2 will be learning Spanish. In order to create excitement and interest for the subject and language, we held our very own Spanish Day. During the day, each year group focused on a different Spanish-speaking country and were invited to dress in the colours to represent each flag:
• Year 3 – Spain (red and yellow)
• Year 4 – Mexico (green, white and red)
• Year 5 – Argentina (blue, white and yellow)
• Year 6 - Colombia (yellow, blue and red)
We all had a lot of fun learning about the culture of different countries, as well as more about the language that connects them all. Children also all took part in a Flamenco dance workshop and were offered traditional Spanish food at lunch time. We can't wait to continue to develop our language skills and understanding of Spanish as the year goes on.
KS2 Languages Display
On Spanish Day, each class spent time making a piece of work to share what they had been learning about their different focus countries. The display includes a map of Spanish-speaking countries, so that everyone can see just how many places use this language and where they are in the world. The work the children have produced is fantastic and shares what they have learnt about the culture and diversity of different Spanish-speaking countries.